Opening Prayers/Prayers of Adoration on Goodness

Prayers of Confession on Goodness

Almighty Father, giver of every good and perfect gift, who has made the light of your truth shine in our hearts: Make us to walk as children of light in all goodness and righteousness, that we may have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of dark­ness; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 

W. Walsham How, Language adapted for Modern Worship by Stuart Strachan Jr.

Wonderful Counselor, open our ears

So we may hear your song

God is with us, God is near

Mighty God, open our eyes

So we may see you at work

For goodness, truth, and justice

Everlasting Father, open our hearts

So we may release our worry,

Our loneliness, and our striving

Prince of Peace, open our hands

So we may take yours and each other’s

And walk together the path of grace


 Lisa Ann Moss Degrenia (based on Isaiah 9:6) © 2022,

Almighty God, Father of all mercies,

we, your unworthy servants, give you humble thanks

for all your goodness and loving-kindness

to us and to all whom you have made.

We bless you for our creation, preservation,

and all the blessings of this life,

but above all for your immeasurable love

in the redemption of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ,

for the means of grace, and for the hope of glory.

And, we pray, give us such an awareness of your mercies

that with truly thankful hearts we may show forth your praise,

not only with our lips, but in our lives,

by giving up ourselves to your service,

and by walking before you

in holiness and righteousness all our days,

through Jesus Christ, our Lord,

to whom, with you and the Holy Spirit,

be honor and glory throughout all ages. Amen.

Book of Common Prayer

(Prayer of Adoration)

O Lord, Our Lord,  

how excellent is Your Name in all the earth! 

When we are faithless – You are faithful. 

When we wander – You come after us. 

When we’re alone – You draw near to us. 

When we are caught up in circumstances  

that seek to undo us –  

You take what we see as evil and work it for good, 

For in Your grace and power, 

You work all things for the good of those who love You 

and are called according to Your purpose. 

(Prayer of Confession)

Yet, while Your love is consistent, eternal and strong, 

Our love is fickle, finite and easily swayed. 

So, we confess today  

that we have not loved You as You deserve, 

with our whole selves –  

heart, mind, soul, body and strength. 

Nor have we loved our neighbors as we love ourselves. 

We know Your good will for us, and we shun it. 

We think our ways are better than Your ways,  

and our wisdom wiser than Yours. 

We are wrong!  

So, hear now our silent confession of those things  

we are too ashamed to say aloud 

and too uncomfortable to share with anyone but You …   

(Pause)   …         AMEN. 

Richard Herman

Wilderness Prayer 

 Inspired by Deuteronomy 8:2-3,14-16

God of the Ages

Our Deliverer and Provider

We bow in humility before your grace

You feed us with the divine

Your word

Your body

You quench our thirst with living water

A stream in the desert

You guide our feet through snares and snakes

You free us from slavery to sin and self and shame and death

You lead us the long way to holiness and home

Grow in us wholehearted allegiance

that our blessing and devotion may never waver

that we may always recognize and trust your desire to do us good


Wilderness Prayer © 2017 by Lisa Ann Moss Degrenia,

(Prayer of Adoration)

Lord – You are good …and Your goodness knows no bounds. 

When we were lost, You sought us out,  

found us and brought us home. 

When we were alone, You came near to us,  

and You gave us a new circle of friends and family. 

Each breath we take, each sunrise we see, 

Each heartbeat we feel and each song we sing or hear –  

All are gifts from You. 

(Prayer of Confession)

Yet, we’ve grown complacent in Your blessings: 

Taking them for granted, rather than as signs of Your grace; 

Keeping them for ourselves, rather than using them to bless others. 

Forgive our selfish hearts and closed fists. 

Forgive our self-importance  

that leads us to take ourselves too seriously, 

to take You too lightly and to forget others altogether.  

 Forgive us what we’re too embarrassed to name out loud, 

As you hear the silent confessions of our hearts and the whispers of our souls …  [Silence]  AMEN. 

Richard Herman

(Prayer of Adoration)

Great God our Father:  You are good and You are strong. 

You are faithful and true,  

and You won’t tempt or lie to us. 

 In a world that appeals to our sinful cravings 

and dominated by spin: 

You alone are worthy of our trust, loyalty and love. 

You alone have loved us with such an everlasting love 

as to give Your Son or us. 

You alone never abandon us, living with and within us 

by Your Holy Spirit. 

 (Prayer of Confession)

Yet, we so easily trade Your truth for a lie, 

and substitute our lusts for Your love. 

We blame others for our errors and for our wanton sin. 

We close our eyes to the truth about who we are 

and run from the truth of who You are.  

Forgive us for choosing to love and live for the world: 

by following our own cravings, 

  giving into the lust of our eyes, and 

  boasting of who we are,  

what we’ve done and what we’ve got. 

Hear us as we say, 

in whispers too soft for any one else to hear but You, 

    the sin we’re too ashamed to let anyone else know 

but You who know all about us and love us anyway.  

Hear our silent confessions of sin:  (PAUSE) 

Richard Herman

God, our heavenly Father –  

from whom all families gain purpose, direction and life: 

When we need bread, you don’t give a stone;  

and when we ask for fish, you don’t give a snake;  

  for you are good, you are strong and you are loving.    

As your children we come to you asking, seeking  

and knocking and you respond:  

“Come, child – and open your heart.”   

Richard Herman

Generous God our Father – who gives us all good gifts: 

Gifts of life, love and, relationships; 

gifts of work and leisure, effort and rest; 

and, most of all, gifts of Your Son and our salvation, 

your Spirit’s presence and power.  

You do all things well. 

By your love and strength you work  

all things together for the good of those  

who love you and hear you call our names. 

You are good and you are strong. 

You are holy and you are loving. 

However, we’re but a slight reflection of you; 

and sometimes more a shadow than an image of you. 

While your goodness seeks to bless others— 

ours is on a constant quest to bless ourselves. 

While your strength strives to create life and hope— 

ours is, too often, the source of destruction to both. 

We are neither holy nor loving— 

except in that we wholly love ourselves  

rather than wholly loving you and others.  

Forgive us for what in us obscures your image  

rather than displays it so that all can know you through us. 

Forgive also what we now confess quietly in the silence,  

too embarrassed to confess them aloud before one another. 

(Silence)   … AMEN. 

Richard Herman