Opening Prayers/Prayers of Adoration on Glory

Sermon Illustrations on Glory

Prayer of Adoration, based on Isaiah 6

Transcendent Lord,
in the midst of ordinary days
draw us to your wonder and majesty,
to fall on our knees and cry, “Glory!”

May we tremble, knowing how deeply you know us and love us
The fierceness of a tsunami does not compare to your passion for us
and for the salvation of all things.

Holy! Holy! Holy!
Blessed be your name forever!

Prayer of Adoration, based on Isaiah 6 © 2023 Lisa Ann Moss Degrenia,

We Cry, “Glory!” based on the Parable of the Sower

Lord of Life

You sow extravagantly


Some would cry, “Foolish”

We cry, “Glory!”

You sow your Word

Your Promises

Your Salvation

Your Self

“Glory!” to your grace and mercy

You save us from the stealing

The shallow

The choking thorns

“Glory!” to your deliverance and power

You make our lives good, rich soil

Ready for your seed

In you, we grow up and increase and yield

“Glory!” to your goodness and faithfulness

We rejoice in you and in being your harvest

Help us bear your good and lasting fruit

now and always,

for the honor and glory of your name. Amen

We Cry, “Glory!” © 2018 Lisa Ann Moss Degrenia,

Glory to you. O God, glory to you!

Heavenly Ruler, Comforter, Spirit of truth,

Come and dwell within us.

You who are everywhere and who fills all things. Treasury of all good and giver of life,

Come, Holy Spirit, and dwell among us.

Cleanse us from all sin

And through your goodness, redeem our souls.

Come, Holy Spirit, and dwell among us. Amen.

Orthodox prayer, adapted

Adapted from Psalm 8:1-2

O LORD, our Lord,

how majestic is your name in all the earth!

You have set your glory

above the heavens.

From the lips of children and infants

you have ordained praise.

There is glory

within each sunrise, Lord,

a warm effusion of praise

reaching upwards and out,

connecting earth

with heaven,


with created,

Shafts of sunlight,

arms outstretched in worship

encourage participation

from those who watch

and wonder,

at the beauty of it all

John Birch, Faith and Worship

Opening Prayer for Transfiguration Sunday

Radiant Christ,

You are Mystery

You are Holy

You are God

Give us eyes to see you and your glory

Eyes to see your sustaining and saving

Eyes to see your future and your now

Eyes to see and to follow. Amen

Radiant Christ © 2021 by Lisa Ann Moss Degrenia,

Prayer – Cry, “Glory”

 Transcendent Lord,

  in the midst of ordinary days draw us to wonder       

  to fall on our knees and cry, “Glory!”

You are the Holy One, Above and Other.


May we tremble, knowing how deeply you know us and love us

The fierceness of a tsunami does not compare to your passion for us

  and for the salvation of all things.


Shake away our apathy and distraction.

Shake the depths of our motives so the great stones of destruction are laid waste.

Shake us awake to your wild, thundering dance of true life.


 Cry, “Glory!” © 2011 Lisa Ann Moss Degrenia,

Almighty God—Father, Son and Holy Spirit:

We ask Your blessing on the people in this place. 

May the despairing find hope—and proud be humbled. 

May the doubting find faith—and the anxious be encouraged. 

May the tempted find help—and the sorrowful find comfort. 

May the weary find rest—and the strong be renewed. 

May the lonely find a friend—and the cluttered find stillness. 

May the older one find consolation—and the younger be inspired. 

And may You find glory in our worship—and we find joy in You. 

Now, Lord: pour out Your Spirit of grace and love today 

as we together we worship You – this we pray 

to Your glory … and in your name.  Amen.  

Richard Herman

(Prayer of Adoration)

Holy God of light and glory: 

You alone are good. 

You alone are pure and righteous. 

And, therefore,  

You alone are worthy of our praise,  

our devotion and honor. 


In the brilliance of Your light, 

we are revealed as we are and 

left speechless … without excuse; 

were it not for Your grace and mercy 

we are hopeless as well. 

 (Prayer of Adoration)

Seeing who we really are, 

we can hide no longer behind our bravado, 

our rationalizations and our protests. 

We confess that we are sinners 

in need of your forgiveness. 

As individuals and as a body. 

we therefore join our hearts and voices to pray 

together confessing our sins … 

(time of silence)  AMEN. 

Richard Herman

Inspired by Psalm 8

Lord, our Lord – How excellent is Your name in all the earth! 

From star to star and galaxy to galaxy, 

From pole to pole and horizon to horizon 

There is no place where Your glory is hidden, 

No-one and nothing  

of which You are not beginning and end. 

We praise You our Creator, Lord of all! 

The heavens are Your throne room, and 

the oceans of earth barely moisten the palm of Your hand. 

Yet, You know each of us by name. 

You where there when we were born. 

You laughed at our first smile, 

You cried when we cried  

And when we slept, you stood by our cradle.  

Still – you laugh when we smile, cry when we cry  

And stand guard over us when we are asleep or awake. 

We worship You – our Father-God, Lord and Holy Spirit.  

However, we admit to being mystified about “Why?” 

We know ourselves too well; 

and wonder why anyone should care; 

especially the Lord of all! 

We hide behind masks of civility – afraid; 

afraid that if others knew us as we really are  

they couldn’t or wouldn’t love us. 

But you know us, 

you know us better than we know ourselves; 

and You still love us … You still care.  

You care so much that You run after us  

when we run away from you. 

And although you love us as we are, 

You also love us too much to leave us that way.  

It’s your love and grace, then,  

which allows us to come out from behind our masks, 

to step out from our protective walls, and 

acknowledge who we really are,  

confessing our sins corporately and individually  

using the prayer of confession in our bulletin – 

(Read together … time of silence)  

Richard Herman

Lord of glory and honor –  

You are worthy of our worship and allegiance. 

You are Faithful and True. 

With authentic justice You judge the world, 

and each of us in it. 

You’re the Word of God – made flesh. 

You’re the King of kings and Lord of lords 

who makes all things new. 

Yet, even in the face of such awesome grandeur, 

we treat you as small and insignificant. 

We value things more than you. 

We hold tight to our money and loose to you. 

We trust ourselves –  

our wisdom and strength,  

our abilities and human resources –  

far more than we trust You. 

We’ve made You too small in our eyes  

and made ourselves too big, and so 

turning reality on it’s head. 

Forgive us.  Hear now our silent confessions  

offered up to you in these moments …  AMEN.  

Richard Herman

Lord Jesus, you are worthy of our gaze in every moment of this earthly race, this good fight for your glory. Keep our eyes fixed on you until our last days, when we are poured out as a final, joyful offering to you.

Charles Teixeira