Opening Prayers/Prayers of Adoration on Children

Sermon Illustrations on Children

God of Grace and God of Glory – rich in love and mercy, all powerful and everywhere present:  We come to You at Your bidding, trusting in Your faithful compassion and not in our fruitless efforts to do what is good or right or loving. 

We thank You always for the gift of new life in a child, the gift of new relationships in an engagement or marriage; the gift of new birth for those who hear the gospel and respond; and the gift a new heaven and a new earth there for all who know You.  All that is truly new comes from You, not from us. 

Richard Herman

(Prayer of Adoration)

Lord—you’re sufficient in everything.   

You can create without us; save without our assistance;  

bring good out of evil, hope from despair and restore what  

we mess up.  You’re sovereign and we’re not. 

Yet, and this boggles my mind –  

You invite us to join with You as partners in Your work!  You first make us joint heirs with Jesus  

and then co-laborers in Your kingdom.   

Imagine that – we’re privileged to make a difference  

in Your world, in your church  

and in the lives of people you love so much  

you gave your Son for them.   

It can’t get much better than that!   …  

(Prayer of Confession) 

But, Father – we confess we’re not satisfied.   

You invite us to serve you and to serve with you – 

and we want to be served by you and others.   

You honor us as your children – calling us by name in love;  

and we use your name flippantly and loosely.   

You empower us to be your followers –  

but we use power for ourselves, pushing You aside.   

You give us your wisdom in Scripture and by Your Spirit –  

and we think we know better  

how to run our lives and your world.  

Forgive us!   Forgive our foolish arrogance and pride. 

Forgive us for taking your gifts intended for others  

and using them for ourselves. 

Forgive us for forgetting who we are  

and whose we are as Christian people.  

Forgive the selfishness of our hearts  

and the selfishness of our actions. 

Forgive it all, and more – and make us more like Jesus  

in our thinking, our feeling, our speaking and in our acting.   

Please, Lord Jesus; in whose name we pray—AMEN.  

(Assurance of Pardon)

As the apostle announced – The mystery of godliness of great: The Son of God appeared in a body, was vindicated by the Spirit, seen by angels, preached among the nations, believed on in the world and taken up into glory—all for our salvation.  For this is a trustworthy saying worthy of full acceptance: Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners, like you & me.  Dear Friends – because that’s true: by His grace active through your faith in Jesus Christ as Lord & Savior, I declare w/ confidence you’re forgiven and free of all your sins.  Alleluia!  Amen.

Richard Herman