Opening Prayers/Prayers of Adoration on Change

Prayers of Confession on Change

Full, Full Nets


You call us from what we know to something new

From a life on this sea with this family

From the nets of generations before us


You call us to a new beginning

A new being and doing

You call us to follow

To move and become


Help us turn towards you

Help us follow

Help us believe and trust you fully


Help us live into our chosenness

To lay down what we know and pick up the new


Empower us to go out with you

Across, beyond, into the deep

Bringing in your wild, shining kingdom

Full, full nets

Full, full nets

Full, full nets


Full, Full Nets © 2019 Lisa Ann Moss Degrenia,

This is the Place

This is the place and this is the time: 

here and now God waits to break into our experience:

To change our minds, 

to change our lives, 

to change our ways;

To make us see the world

and the whole of life 

in a new light;

To fill us with hope, 

joy, and certainty 

for the future.

This is the place, 

as are all places; 

this is the time, 

as are all times.

O God of this place, 

and every place,

God of this time, 

and all time, 

here and now, 

we praise you.

Alan Grant, Prayer: “This is the Place” in Brad Berglund Ed., Reinventing Worship: Prayers, Readings, Special Services and More.

God—Father, Son and Holy Spirit—You are ever the same  

in Your grace and truth, Your power and love; 

Yet, You always challenge us to grow, change  

and become more like Jesus. 

We’re not yet what we want to be, what we hope to be  

and what we will be –  

but thanks be to You, we’re no longer what we used to be. 


And we thank you for the hope of change— 

for without it, we would shrivel up and die. 


It’s that hope which calls us to pray  

for those who are sick or injured, those challenged physically,  

emotionally, mentally or spiritually – and to ask You  

to heal them, to restore them, to make them whole

Richard Herman