Opening Prayers/Prayers of Adoration on Bread

Image of Bread

You, oh Christ, are the Kingdom of Heaven;

You, the land promised to the gentle;

You the grazing lands of paradise;

You, the hall of the celestial banquet;

You, the ineffable marriage chamber;

You the table set for all,

You the bread of life;

You, the unheard of drink;

You, both the bowl for the water

and the life-giving water;

You, moreover, the inextinguishable lamp

for each one of the saints;

You, the garment and the crown

and the one who distributes crowns;

You, the joy and the rest;

You, the delight and glory;

You the gaiety;

You, the mirth;

and Your grace, grace of the Spirit of all sanctity,

will shine like the sun in all the saints;

and You, inaccessible sun,

will shine in their midst

and all will shine brightly,

to the degree of their faith,

their asceticism,

their hope

and their love,

their purification

and their illumination

by Your Spirit.

Symeon the New Theologian, English version by George A. Maloney, S.J.

God, our heavenly Father –  

from whom all families gain purpose, direction and life: 

When we need bread, you don’t give a stone;  

and when we ask for fish, you don’t give a snake;  

  for you are good, you are strong and you are loving.    

As your children we come to you asking, seeking  

and knocking and you respond:  

“Come, child – and open your heart.”   

Richard Herman

Father – God of Joy and Hope; 

Wonderful Lord and Spirit of delight and wonder: 

You invite us to come to you with thanksgiving and joy, 

laughter and quiet awe.  

Your arms of welcome are out wide.   

So we come, not perfect and not even very spiritual –  

just as we are: Yours, spilling our hearts before You.   

 Richard Herman