Opening Prayers/Prayers of Adoration on Alpha and Omega

Prayers of Invocation on the Alpha and Omega

Lord – We come this morning at the start of another week to worship You, our Alpha and Omega, our beginning and end.  

You guided, protected, strengthened and blessed us this past week – for which we thank You and praise You.   

There’s no one like You.  There’s no one who loves us like You do; no one who knows us like You do; no one so good and so strong, so powerful and compassionate as You.   We worship You in glory.  

You bind us one to another – each of us to You and all of us to each other.  Together You make us Your family, marking us with the same Spirit.   Thank You. 

You show us Your way, give us Your truth and impart Your life to us in Your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord – the One who we trust.  Bless you, God our Savior.     

Richard Herman 

God of Wonder and Majesty – You are the Alpha and Omega,  

the Beginning and End  

… our past, present and future.  

You’ve come in the past …  

You’re here with us now …  

and You’ll come again in power and glory. 

Because You are faithful and true in all times and places  

we pray confidently knowing You hear us.  

We pray with thanks for new lives,  

new families and new marriages –  

   and for all the ways You bring new people  

and new experiences into our lives.   

We ask for faith to embrace Your new gifts,  

and wisdom to know what to do with them 

for Your glory and our joy.  

Richard Herman

(Prayer of Adoration)

Wonderful, Counselor, … Everlasting Father, Prince of peace. 

King of Kings, Lord or Lord. 

Mighty, Holy One of Israel. 

Immanuel, Comforter, 

Lion and Lamb, Alpha and Omega: 

With your names we adore and praise you! 

(Prayer of Confession)

Oh, but how often we take your names in vain. 

Declaring we trust in you with our lips, 

we trust in our selves with our actions. 

We name your names when it’s easy 

but deny them when it gets costly.  

We claim to speak truth but tell lies instead. 

(Prayer of Confession)

Forgive us for taking your name in vain, 

bringing shame to the name Christian; … 

and to the One who gave us that name. 

This is our prayer –  

and in the silence of this moment  

we also ask your forgiveness  

for what we’re too ashamed to mention aloud.  (Silence) 

(Assurance of Pardon) 

The promise is true, that if we confess our sins he is faithful and just he will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  Therefore, by His grace active through your faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior: you are forgiven and free of all your sins.  Hallelujah!  AMEN.  

Richard Herman