Prayer of Confession
All: Certainly God is good to his people, to those pure in heart, but as for me, I nearly stumbled; I nearly lost my sure footing. I struggle with envy as I look at the those in the world who act arrogantly and yet just seem to get richer. I struggle with grief and bitterness towards God. I've lost my bearings and acted foolishly. Like a beast only driven by worldly desire and cravings.
Silent Confession
Assurance of Pardon
All: In all this, you haven’t cast me away. You keep me close to your side. You continue to guide me by your Word and counsel, and after all of this you will welcome me into your glorious presence!
What can the world offer to me that I don’t already have in You?!
There’s nothing for me here better than You. My flesh and my heart aren’t trustworthy, but You are and you give me strength! My cup overflows with endless provision!
Anyone who doesn’t have you doesn’t have life and will certainly perish. Our God is a consuming fire!
I know that my best can only come when I’m near You! I will run to You for safety and provision and tell others of all you’ve done for me!
Christ Redeemer Presbyterian Church, Jonesboro, Arkansas