Lent Worship Guide 2023

[A] guilty suffering spirit is more open to grace than an apathetic or smug soul. Therefore, an age without a sense of sin, in which people are not even sorry for not being sorry for their sins, is in a serious predicament. Likewise an age with a Christianity so eager to forgive that it denies the need for forgiveness. For such an age, therefore, Lent can scarcely be too long!”

—Edna Hong, The Downward Ascent, Augsburg Fortress Press, 1979

Worship Resources (Liturgy & Sermon)

Below are some of the major themes for Lent. Click on the links to find the resources you need:

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday Worship Guide

Find the major themes of Ash Wednesday here (liturgy & sermon)

The Art of Lent

The Art of Lent

Check out Stu’s review of this little devotional for the Lenten season with classic and relatively unknown masterpieces that bring the Christian story to life.

Ash Wednesday Worship Service

Ash Wednesday Worship Service

A new Modern worship service by TPW contributor Lisa Degrenia.

Ash Wednesday Worship Service

Ash Wednesday: A Public Faith

A short meditation on Ash Wednesday & the public witness of our faith.

Making A Lenten Rock Garden

Special Project

A great way for children and adults alike to enter the season of Lent.

Palm Sunday

Jesus enters Jerusalem on a donkey, greeted like a king with shouts of “Hosanna!”

Maundy Thursday

“A new commandment I give unto you…” Jesus shares a last meal with his disciples

Good Friday

The first of two events that will change human history. Part 1: Death on a Cross

Sermon Illustrations on Easter


Find worship resources for the most important day of the Christian Year!

Lent 2024 Sermon Series is Live!

Not sure what you are going to do for Lent? Already a lectionary preacher? Check out this series, which includes a summary of the text, as well as sermon and liturgical resources!

    Lent 2024

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