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Lectionary Guide

March 16, 2025

Second Sunday in Lent Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18

Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18
Psalm 27
Philippians 3:17-4:1
Luke 13:31-35

Season of lent, Year c
Keywords (10)
Date Added
  • Oct 30, 2024

Lent Series | AIM Commentary


Last week focused on Paul's proclamation in Romans 10 that, because of what Christ did for us, we must put our faith in him to be saved. In the background is his discussion in Romans 4 that we, like Abraham, are justified by faith.

We go to "Father Abraham" (or "Father Abram") this week and the cutting of the covenant between him and God.

In the ruin of humanity and the rest of creation after the Fall, God is putting a plan into motion to bring hope to all.

Ancient Lens

What can we learn from the historical context?

The Old, Old Story

Jesus’ resurrection and ascension (and perhaps Pentecost) are the resolution of a…

Discussion Questions

  1. Christians focus (rightly) on Jesus as our rescuer, but sometimes forget the role of the covenants of the Old Testament in our rescue. How does thinking of God's covenant with Abram change the way you see Jesus?

  2. What does it mean when this passage tells us that Abram had faith? How is his faith like yours? How did Abram display his faith in his life?

  3. Have you ever seen the stars away from all artificial lights? What was it like? How do you think Abram felt — how would you have felt in his place — when God tells him to count them?

  4. What does it mean for you and I to be on…

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