Worship Guide: Holy Week

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We Need to Linger, a Call to Worship

Before we get to Easter, we need to linger:

in the vulnerability of the basin and the towel

at the remembrance and promise of the table

in the struggle and betrayal of the garden

in the shadows and shouts of injustice

at the bloody brutal beautiful cross

in the silence of linen and spices and death

For without these, the empty tomb is empty

We Need to Linger © 2000 Lisa Ann Moss Degrenia, www.revlisad.com

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Click on the Images Below for Resources for Each Day

Palm Sunday

Jesus enters Jerusalem on a donkey, greeted like a king with shouts of “Hosanna!”

Maundy Thursday

“A new commandment I give unto you…” Jesus shares a last meal with his disciples

Good Friday

The first of two events that will change human history. Part 1: Death on a Cross

Holy Saturday

“The whole earth keeps silence because the King is asleep.” 

Epiphanius of Cyprus


Jesus returns to life and a new community is birthed. Part II: Resurrection and New Life

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