Pastor: As we are about to receive our Lord’s body and blood in, with, and under this bread and wine for the forgiveness of sins, let us make confession to our heavenly…
You are our peace
You proclaim it
You create it
You bring us near
Without you there is
No safety
No belonging
No nurturing
No identity rooted beyond this…
Pastor: Our help is in the name of the Lord,
God, you created us in your image. You are three in one. From before time began, you existed in perfect communion. Yet day by day, we choose not to live into your image. We choose division, pointing out others’ wrongs, and arguing. Please remind us of our need for one another as we silently…
Good Father, we thank you for inviting us to your table. You invite us to your heavenly feast, but we don’t show up to the party. Rather, we ignore your invitation, we get distracted by other work we think needs doing, we busy ourselves ensuring the right people have come, and we miss you.…
Gracious and loving God, you invite us to the table, yet we resist your grace. It is sometimes easier to float around outside of the Christian community than it is to invest fully in it. You invite others to the table as well—sometimes people whom we do not see as worthy, and sometimes…
Creator God, you created us in your image. You are three in one. From before time began, you existed in perfect communion. Yet day by day, we choose not to live into your image. We choose division, pointing out others’ wrongs, and arguing. Please remind us of our need for one…
Father God, you have provided us with bread from heaven through your incarnate Son; He is all that we need for spiritual revival and restoration. We, though, have taken offense at his invitation to abide in him through his body and blood offered on our behalf. It is too primitive, too…
Lord Jesus Christ, on the cross you let your body be broken and your blood be shed. So often when we celebrate this act in communion, we fail to respond to your love in ways that glorify you. Sometimes we simply go through the motions with the bread and cup. Other times we think your gift…