Calls To Worship


Adapted from Psalm 16:5-7a

The Lord is our chosen portion and our cup; you hold our lot. The lines have fallen for us in pleasant places; indeed, we have a beautiful inheritance. We will bless the Lord who gives us counsel.

Adapted by Scott Bullock for liturgical use (ESV, pronouns changed for corporate prayer)

Inspired by Psalm 23

Leader: Let us worship the God who satisfies our every need, the Good Shepherd who guides us to abundance and refreshment. Let us praise the God who specializes in the restoration of the soul, who navigates our perfect path, and is present with us in times of trouble. He is our Blessing and our Protector. God surrounds and nourishes us in the midst of the assailing forces that seek our destruction. Let us give thanks to our relentless God, the Hound of Heaven who pursues us with goodness and mercy all the days of our lives. Amen. 

Scott Bullock

Adapted from Psalm 104:27, John 6:34, 35, and Colossians 3:1

The Lord gives food in due season; 

God satisfies the desire of every living thing. 

Jesus said: I am the bread of life. 

God, give us this bread always. 

We have been raised with Christ. 

Let us seek the things that are above. 

Austin D. Hill (adapted from ESV)