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Aug 27, 2019

A Nice Theory: Sermon Illustration Tuesday

a nice theory sermon illustration tuesday
Date Added
  • Aug 27, 2019

Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than receive." "Well,” you say “that is a nice theory—but is it really true?" There is really only one way to find out: Give! Give generously and consistently, and before long you will begin to experience the blessings of being a great giver. And when that happens, you can say, "Hey, I know that that is true!”

Sharon found out firsthand that the lifestyle of faith fits. A few years ago Sharon’s faith was on hold. She felt she should contribute more to God’s work, but she didn't really feel like it. Besides she really didn’t think she had anything important to give—or that anyone would want her "gift." Sharon did want more faith however. So she committed to teach a fourth-grade Sunday school class.

But there’s a little more to this story. Sharon has multiple sclerosis and lives in a wheelchair. Just getting around is a chore in itself. She knew the hassle of transporting her teaching materials to and from her house, car, and classroom could overwhelm her but Sharon wanted to do what faith would do.

That was several years ago! Today Sharon is a valued member of a strong teaching team. Her kids adore her—and they have learned a lot about handicaps too--Sharon has found that doing what faith would do "fits." New feelings of self-worth and trust in God’s care have blessed her with a vastly improved quality of life.

Lynn Anderson, If l Really Believe, Why Do I Have These Doubts? (West Monroe, La. Howard, 2000), p. 166.

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