Prayers of the People/Intercession on Guidance

Prayers of Confession on Guidance

Prayer For God’s Help

O God, from whom to be turned is to fall,

to whom to be turned is to rise,

and with whom to stand is to abide for ever;

grant us in all our duties your help,

in all our perplexities your guidance,

in all our dangers your protection,

and in all our sorrows your peace, through Jesus Christ our Lord,


Augustine of Hippo

Lord Jesus–You’ve come, are coming and will come again. Whether we know it or not, we live on the edge of Your advent every moment of every day either with anticipation or with anxiety. As if stumbling along a dark path in a thick forest, with only a flashlight at our feet, we see so little … while You see everything, being Yourself the Light of the World. 

That’s why we put our hands in Yours, follow where You lead us and give to You all the people and experiences that lay beyond our ability to see clearly and our strength to act. In a world tainted by terrorists, we pray for hostages and families in tense hours of waiting. 

Protect captives and soften the hearts of their captors. Comfort families and encourage their loved ones. We pray also for young men and women who put their lives on the line, asking for Your protection and strength. 

Where people are ravaged by AIDS–overseas and in our backyards–make us compassionate and make Yourself known as the Healer and Comforter. Where poverty breeds hopelessness, where hunger causes desperation, where addictions bind the soul and dull the mind, where unemployment saps initiative, where ignorance destroys opportunity–come Lord! 

Come with Your compassion and grace, with your strength and love, with Your truth and justice. Through Your Holy Spirit, move Your people to be Your ears that listen,Your hands that serve, Your voice that advocates,Your feet that enter in, and Your arms that love. 

Where families grieve–comfort them with your peace and your presence as the Resurrection and the Life. Where loved ones are fighting illness, recovering from injury, anticipating surgery–heal them in Your power and love. 

Where birth makes two people parents and baptism calls them to care for the children–give grace, wisdom, love and all the fruit of Your Spirit and especially patience. Wherever we are tempted to trivialize Your incarnation as a child in Bethlehem, an adolescent in Nazareth, and an adult who had no home to call His own …who came to died that we be redeemed: Remind us of Your great love and compassion. Remind us that Christmas red is the crimson blood shed for us and Christmas green is the evergreen of eternal life. This we pray in Your name, Lord Jesus. AMEN

Richard Herman

Father: You are good and You are strong. You want what is best. You act to bring it about .And you invite us to hold our hearts before You in prayer, so we can participate in what You do. Therefore, we pray today for …Joy in the birth of children, in whom You declare You have hope for humanity. 

We ask You to guide parents who seek to fulfill a wondrous and solemn calling to nurture sons and daughters toward following Your Son, Jesus. Give them wisdom, courage and love. We pray Your comfort to those who are feeling loss at the other end of life, who grieve the death of a loved one or miss a dear friend who’s gone. Jesus, Healer and great Physician, please come also to those who are ill or injured, going through recovery and recuperation, and to those anticipating surgery. 

Heal marriages and families torn apart by conflict and mistrust. Free the addicted. Comfort and protect the abused. Where forgiveness is needed–bring genuine sorrow, repentance, and forgiveness. Give hope. We also pray for reconciliation between nations and peoples, and between those within nations. Replace hatred, prejudice and suspicion with understanding, empathy and peace. 

Let compassion and generosity overcome poverty and neglect. Let Your justice roll down like a river and Your righteousness like an ever-flowing stream; and may Your kingdom come on earth, as it is in heaven. We pray, too, for Your church–may we be one so the world will know You’ve sent Your Son to be the Savior. Make us more like Jesus so our love shows His love, our grace … His, our holiness …His, and our life, reflects more of His to all. Make us as generous as You who gave Your very best to us: may we give our best toYou. All this, and more, we pray in the name above every other: the name of Jesus. AMEN

Richard Herman

Prayer for Guidance

Direct us, O Lord, in all our doings with thy most gracious favor, and further us with thy continual help; that in all our works begun, continued, and ended in thee, we may glorify thy holy Name, and finally, by thy mercy, obtain everlasting life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Book of Common Prayer of the Episcopal Church (1979)

Prayer for Guidance

O God, by whom the meek are guided in judgment, and light riseth up in darkness for the godly: Grant us, in all our doubts and uncertainties, the grace to ask what thou wouldest have us to do, that the Spirit of wisdom may save us from all false choices, and that in thy light we may see light, and in thy straight path may not stumble; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Book of Common Prayer of the Episcopal Church (1979)

Prayers of the People (General)

O Lord, we are aware of how much we need you, and how much the world needs you. We yearn for your guidance and strength.  We pray for your intervention and for your kingdom to come. 

Today we lift up those in our community who need your healing and comfort. For those who grieve, those receiving treatment, and those who live in fear. Bring peace to their hearts and bring them words of encouragement from those who know them best. 

We pray for people in leadership roles across our country: for political leaders, educators, and faith leaders; for leaders of companies and nonprofits and community organizations. We pray for the leaders among us–for you to give them the guidance they need, and that you will remind them to take time to rest, reflect, and abide with Jesus, the Great Shepherd of the sheep. 

We pray for those who feel lost, alone, unseen and unheard. Lord, may your Holy Spirit move in their lives. Open their ears to hear and their eyes to see You at work. Break down anything that may hinder their ability to feel your presence, we pray. 

We pray for brothers and sisters around the world, whose lives are torn apart by war, oppression, and corruption. And we lift up those who are obeying your call to share your gospel in difficult places. Make us aware of the needs outside of our own personal circles and bless us with the words to pray for situations that our hearts may not be able to comprehend. We find hope knowing that You see these people and you know them by name. 

Lord we are so very grateful, and we rest in Your promises, knowing that Jesus died for us and he intercedes for us. Keep us strong in our faith as we walk forward to share the light and hope of Christ in all we say and in all we do.

We pray all this in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, who taught us to pray, saying:

The Lord’s Prayer

Ellen Dawson

Save My Soul, Good Gardener based on the Parable of the Sower

Save my soul, Good Gardener

Evil flies in wanting to steal my hope 

Work piles up,

insecure boulders ready to crash,

leaving no room to root

My faith begins to wither as does our relationship

Distractions grow, choking my gratitude

my perspective

my spirit

Guard me

Guide me

Deliver me

Clear the land

Weed then seed

Nourish the soil of my soul

I long to blossom and bring forth your fruit, a hundredfold

Save My Soul, Good Gardener © 2017 Lisa Ann Moss Degrenia,