Prayers of Confession on the New Year

Heavenly Father, forgive us when we try to go our own way and end up running from you.  Forgive us when we shy away from the work that you want to do in our lives.  Help us to be willing to go through your crafting and cutting, and to look at the new year as an opportunity to bear fruit for you.  Guide us with your Holy Spirit to this purpose, and hear our prayers as we continue our confession in silence…

Submitted by Allen Thompson

A Litany Of Thanksgiving And Confession

Almighty God, another year has passed. These previous 365 days were filled with good and bad experiences.

For the times we experienced your mercy, we give you thanks.

(silent reflection)

For the times we felt took advantage of your grace, we ask your forgiveness.

(Silent Reflection)

For the times we took bold steps of faith, we give you thanks.

(Silent Reflection)

For the times we ignored your calling in our lives, we ask your forgiveness.

(Silent Reflection)

For the times we learned more about you, we give you thanks.

(Silent Reflection)

For the times we were to proud to see you at work around us, we ask your forgiveness.

(Silent Reflection)

Merciful God, guide us in this new year, help us to see you more clearly than ever before. Amen.

 Submitted by Austin D. Hill

Father in Heaven, we come before You to confess our sins. We confess that we have turned the page in our calendar, but still haven’t fully turned our hearts to You. We confess that we too often seek fulfillment in human potential rather than in the peace, instruction, and New Life You offer us. We confess that we would rather chart our own course than submit to Your loving design. Gracious God, help us to remember that true life is found only in You. Give us courage to follow the radical path of Jesus in this New Year. Let us be lights that reflect Your love and truth to our friends and neighbors so that they may know that the power of sin has been broken. Let this be the year we seek Your glory more than our own. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.

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