Prayers of Confession on Redemption

Adapted from Deuteronomy 29

Pastor: God our Redeemer, you have saved your people through Jesus Christ, your Son. You have delivered your people out of slavery to sin and have freed us into new life. Yet, we still wander through the wilderness of our sins.

All: How quickly we forget who you are. How quickly we forget all our blessings. How quickly we forget all your good commandments that guide our new lives in Jesus Christ. Forgive us of our sins.

Pastor: Renew our hearts and minds that we may understand the Gospel. Give us ears to hear and eyes to see the sweet hope of faith in Christ.

All: Return us to the covenant that you swore to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob. Continue to establish us as your people. Free us from the idols that ensnare us, and bind us to your grace.

Submitted by Dustin Ray

Holy Father, You are perfect and just, but we are sinful and unworthy. We intend the best in how we live our lives, Yet sin remains in us. Through Your Son, we are able to have redemption and a reconnection with you. Though Your Son, we are redeemed and reconnected with You. Though we continue to sin, You offer your Amazing Grace. We rejoice in this Good News. In Christ’s Name we pray, Amen.

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church

Heavenly Father, forgive us when we neglect our reliance on you.  We take for granted many gifts you give, but we also forget your desire to provide.  Help us to receive those gifts, whether they are physical or spiritual, remarkable or mundane, so that we may be in the habit of receiving your Word and your will.  We pray these things in the name of Jesus, in whom you have provided our greatest gift of redemption.  Hear our prayers as we continue our confession in silence…

Submitted by Allen Thompson

Gracious God, You have called us out of darkness and into the light of Your love. You have redeemed us and made us whole in order to set us free from bondage. The challenge You place before us is to die to self, surrender our wills, and serve sacrificially. But we cling to our sinful humanity and to the trappings of this temporal life. Forgive us for being stubborn, selfish, and sinful. Set us free to embrace the values of Your Kingdom, transform our hearts to long for You, and empower us to live courageously as Your children. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church

We confess, loving God, that we are not a society of saints, but a fellowship of sinners. We are the forgiven, who still need forgiveness.  We are the redeemed, who are still being redeemed.  We do not compare ourselves with others; we compare ourselves only with Christ, in order that we may be humble in your presence, and in the presence of others. We are thankful, O Lord, that you have not given up on us, and that you are still not finished with us. Continue to shape us in the image of Christ, as we confess our sins in silence in his name…

Silent Prayer

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Submitted by Chip Hardwick

Holy God, Your love is amazing, steady, and unchanging. Your love is relentless, passionate, and astounding. We thank you for the sacrifice of Jesus which has redeemed us and restored us to a right relationship with You. We confess that we take this gift for granted; we fail to grasp the significance of the sacrifice; we continue to live as unredeemed people. Forgive us for our sinfulness. Cleanse us. Restore us. And ignite our hearts with a passion to live for You. We humbly ask, in Jesus’ Name.  Amen.

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church

Holy and Loving God, You created us in Your image to enjoy You, to love You, to serve You. But our souls have been corrupted by our hard-heartedness, by our self-centeredness,   by our pervasive sinfulness. We turn to you in genuine repentance and seek Your forgiveness. We trust Your promise that You will forgive, redeem, and restore. Help us to forgive others as You have forgiven us. We ask for Your mercy in the Name of Jesus, who has come and will come again. Amen.

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church

Holy God, Your love is amazing, steady, and unchanging. Your love is relentless, passionate, and astounding. We thank you for the sacrifice of Jesus which has redeemed us and restored us to a right relationship with You. We confess that we take this gift for granted; we fail to grasp the significance of the sacrifice; we continue to live as unredeemed people. Forgive us for our sinfulness. Cleanse us. Restore us. And ignite our hearts with a passion to live for You. We humbly ask, in Jesus’ Name.  Amen.

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church

Heavenly Father, You have gone to great lengths to redeem us by Your Son Jesus Christ. Furthermore, You invite us into a life of hope, joy, and freedom. And yet, we forget, Lord. We forget that You have sanctified us for greater things.  We confess that we abandon You when our comfort is threatened. We admit that we get consumed with serving ourselves and our own interests. Have mercy on us. Father, cause us to turn our gaze squarely back on You. Speak to our fearful hearts. Forgive us and open our eyes and ears to a greater awareness of You, and to the adventure of living for Your glory each and every day. May we represent You well this week, acting as instruments of Your hands and feet. We pray this humbly in Christ’s Name. Amen.

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church

(Prayer of Adoration)

Father God … our Abba: 

You seek us with relentless love – coming after us in Your Son, Jesus. 

When we are in the pits – You draws us up and out; 

When we are broken – You fix us. 

When we are lost – You find us. 

When we are confused about who we are – 

You call us by name and calls us Your own. 

With hearts stilled and filled with Your love: 

We bring our thanks and praise to You today.  

(Prayer of Confession)

Yet – how often we forget who we are as Your children. 

We live like we are not Yours but someone else’s; 

Like we are not created in Your image, 

redeemed by the blood of Your Son, 

indwelt by Your very self in the Holy Spirit. 

Forgive our wandering hearts, our lusty spirits, 

Our self-centered attitudes and selfish actions. 

Richard Herman