Prayers of Confession on Provision

Adapted from Deuteronomy 8:11-20

Pastor: Oh Lord our God, we have forgotten who you are and what you have done for us. Your great and miraculous works for us are lost in the recesses of our minds, and we could not care less about your commandments.

All: You have provided us with good nourishment; we think our own hands have provided it. You have provided us with sufficient shelter; we credit ourselves with the strength. You have filled us with joy; we are happy with ourselves.

Pastor: Father you have promised that you would walk with us through all of life, even when we sin. We trust you, even now, only because you have forgiven us through Jesus Christ’s own shed blood for us.

All: Renew our strength because our souls are parched by the desert sun. Give us the peace that passes understanding the joy that is only found in Jesus Christ.

Submitted by Dustin Ray

Heavenly Father, let it not be said that we are disunified as a people. We are unified by our grumbling. We grumble against you for what you have done or left undone, according to our misplaced communal judgement. We rail against your provisions as being too little and too late. We cry out in protest when we experience a drought of that which we desire and want. It is our tendency to put the blame squarely on your shoulders. Although you lead us out of harm, protect us from the evil that would assail us, and give us all that we could ever need, we grumble that it is not enough. We are blinded to your goodness by our collective complaints. Forgive us, we pray, for not trusting you and for not thanking you as a truly unified people ought. Do not hold our unified grumbling against us. Cleanse us from breaking unity with you, we pray. Amen.

Gabe Fung

Constant sustainer, you are the ultimate source of life. You tell us in your word that every good and perfect gift comes from you. You also tell us that even the birds of the air are provided for. But we find it so easy to doubt. We start to believe that you don’t care for us, or that you aren’t looking after us. Please help us to know your love and provision today. Please help us to see your constant care as we silently confess our sins to you now…

Submitted by Austin D. Hill

Lord, You are the great provider. Your Word tells us to trust You and You will direct our paths, but we often forget Your faithfulness and promises found throughout scripture. Forgive us, Father, when we stray from Your plan. Your way is the path to joy, peace, and abundant life. Give us the strength and courage to choose You rather than choosing ourselves. Draw near to us when we doubt, and give us eyes to see Your hand at work in our lives. You are good and faithful always. Amen.

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church

Lord, you abundant love knows no end. Too often we don’t trust you. We look to other places in our lives to fill us. We fail to recognize your glory and provision in our midst. Lord, as your reveal your glory to us through these signs laid out in your word, please help us to see you. Please forgive us for the times when we don’t look to you as we silently confess our sins to you now…

Submitted by Austin D. Hill

Wilderness Prayer

God of the Ages
Our Deliverer and Provider
We bow in humility before your grace

You feed us with the divine
Your word
Your body

You quench our thirst with living water
A stream in the desert

You guide our feet through snares and snakes

You free us from slavery to sin and self and shame and death

You lead us the long way to holiness and home

Test our hearts
Have we exalted ourselves?
Have we forgotten you?

time of silent reflection and confession

Reveal the truth to us, O God
Exposed by your unrelenting light
Wiped clean with your Wilderness Wind

Grow in us wholehearted allegiance
that our blessing and devotion may never waver
that we may always recognize and trust your desire to do us good


Wilderness Prayer © 2017 by Lisa Ann Moss Degrenia,

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