Prayers of Confession on Blame

Inspired by Exodus 16:2-4; 9-5

Heavenly Father, let it not be said that we are disunified as a people. We are unified by our grumbling. We grumble against you for what you have done or left undone, according to our misplaced communal judgement. We rail against your provisions as being too little and too late. We cry out in protest when we experience a drought of that which we desire and want. It is our tendency to put the blame squarely on your shoulders. Although you lead us out of harm, protect us from the evil that would assail us, and give us all that we could ever need, we grumble that it is not enough. We are blinded to your goodness by our collective complaints. Forgive us, we pray, for not trusting you and for not thanking you as a truly unified people ought. Do not hold our unified grumbling against us. Cleanse us from breaking unity with you, we pray. Amen.

Gabe Fung

(Prayer of Adoration)

Great God our Father:  You are good and You are strong. 

You are faithful and true,  

and You won’t tempt or lie to us. 

 In a world that appeals to our sinful cravings 

and dominated by spin: 

You alone are worthy of our trust, loyalty and love. 

You alone have loved us with such an everlasting love 

as to give Your Son or us. 

You alone never abandon us, living with and within us 

by Your Holy Spirit. 

 (Prayer of Confession)

Yet, we so easily trade Your truth for a lie, 

and substitute our lusts for Your love. 

We blame others for our errors and for our wanton sin. 

We close our eyes to the truth about who we are 

and run from the truth of who You are.  

Forgive us for choosing to love and live for the world: 

by following our own cravings, 

  giving into the lust of our eyes, and 

  boasting of who we are,  

what we’ve done and what we’ve got. 

Hear us as we say, 

in whispers too soft for any one else to hear but You, 

    the sin we’re too ashamed to let anyone else know 

but You who know all about us and love us anyway.  

Hear our silent confessions of sin:  (PAUSE) 

Richard Herman